Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics – Image Resources

Episode 1 – Quilts 101: Antique and Contemporary Quilts

Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics - Episode 1 - Quilts 101

Eli Lilly Family Album (1847). Cotton. 104″ x 105. Gift of Louise Emerson Francke, great-great granddaughter of Eli Lilly. Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN

What is a quilt? This episode introduces the audience to the brave new world of the American quilt, where that question has many different answers.  If a ‘real’ quilt is a three-layer fabric sandwich sewn together and folded over a bed, how do we define the quilt that is an amalgamation of fabric, photography, print making and other media, and hangs on a gallery wall?  Our experts contribute varying perspectives, setting the stage for the complexity of the series’ larger topic: Why quilts matter and how they relate to history, art and politics.

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