
Celebrating the Success with Bill Volckening

Bill Volckening

Bill Volckening

When creating a large project like Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics, we relied heavily on the support of many people from those who provided photos for the series to those who generously gave financial support to get us up and running. We’d like to highlight one friend in particular, who continues to support the Why Quilts Matter team, long after the release of the series – Quilt Collector Bill Volckening.

You may know Bill from his regular guest blog contributions on our site or you may have stopped by Bill’s own blog at We know Bill because Why Quilts Matter’s Exec Producer Shelly Zegart introduced him to his first New York Beauty quilt years ago, and he hasn’t been the same since. Bill has gone on to acquire an impressive collection of New York Beauties which are now on display at the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles through October, and we couldn’t be happier for him!

If you’re in the San Jose area be sure to visit the exhibit, which traces the life story of an extraordinary American quilt pattern and Bill’s singular pursuit surrounding quilts made with this complex and graphic design. If you can’t make it to the exhibit, then at least get to know our good friend Bill. He contributes to the Why Quilts Matter: History, Art & Politics Guest Blog monthly, and he’s always keeping the conversation going on our Facebook and Twitter. He’s a passionate collector, a fantastic blogger, and we are proud to call him a friend.

Congratulations, Bill!

• Learn more about “Collecting New York Beauty Quilts: Bill Volckening’s Passion”…

• Preview exhibition catalog…
